- Percentage computed is based on 241,685,638 shares in issue as at 8 March 2024. As at 31 December 2023, the number of shares in issue
was also 241,685,638.
- Kaiser Union Limited (“KUL”) holds 96,473,203 TIH shares registered in the name of its custodian, Citibank Nominees Singapore Private
- Tamsett Holdings Limited (“THL”) is the direct holding company of KUL.
- Rickon Holdings Limited (“RHL”) is the direct holding company of THL and an indirect holding company of KUL.
- Lippo China Resources Limited (“LCR”) is the direct holding company of RHL and an indirect holding company of KUL.
- Skyscraper Realty Limited (“SRL”) is the direct holding company of LCR and an indirect holding company of KUL.
- Lippo Limited (“LL”) is the direct holding company of SRL and an indirect holding company of KUL.
- Lippo Capital Limited (“LCL”) is the direct holding company of LL and an indirect holding company of KUL.
- Lippo Capital Holdings Company Limited (“LCHCL”) is the direct holding company of LCL and an indirect holding company of KUL.
- Lippo Capital Group Limited (“LCGL”) is the direct holding company of LCHCL and an indirect holding company of KUL.
- Dr Stephen Riady holds all the shares in LCGL which is an indirect holding company of KUL.
- PT Trijaya Utama Mandiri (“PTTUM”) holds not less than 20% of the shares in LCL which is an indirect holding company of KUL.
- Mr James Tjahaja Riady, through PTTUM, holds not less than 20% of the shares in LCL which is an indirect holding company of KUL.
- Alexandra Road Limited (“ARL”) holds 54,518,323 TIH shares in the name of its nominee, CGS-CIMB Securities (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. and
1,941,766 TIH shares in the name of its nominee, Phillip Securities Pte Ltd.
- Argyle Street Management Limited (“ASML”) is deemed interested in all the TIH shares held by ARL as it has the ability to exercise or
control the exercise of rights attached to all the TIH shares held by ARL.
- Argyle Street Management Holdings Limited is deemed interested in all the TIH shares owned by ARL as it is the holding company of
- Messrs Kin Chan, V-Nee Yeh and Angie Li are deemed substantial shareholders through bodies corporate which (i) they have controlling
interests in; or (ii) which are accustomed to act in accordance with their directions.
- Clege & Co Limited (“C&C”) is deemed interested in the 24,576,126 TIH shares held by Transpac Investments Limited (“TIL”) as it owns
100% of TIL.
- Mr Leong Ho Gong Cliff is deemed interested in the 24,576,126 TIH shares held by TIL as he owns 100% of C&C and C&C in turn owns
100% of TIL.
Base on the information available to the Company as at 8 March 2024, approximately 26% of the issued ordinary shares of the Company are held by the public and therefore, Rule 723 of the Listing Manual issued by the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited is complied with.
(as shown in the Company’s Register of Directors’ Shareholdings)
- Mr Kin Chan and Ms Angie Li are deemed interested through bodies corporate which (i) they have controlling interests in; or (ii) which are
accustomed to act in accordance with their directions.